Calculate your adjusted take home pay and deduction of Salary Sacrifice from your Gross Pay. Salary Sacrifice can be either a fixed figure or percentage of gross pay. New to Salary Sacrifice? Read this guide to Salary Sacrifice and How Salary Sacrifice can reduce the amount of tax you pay. You may also find our other UK Payroll and Salary Calculators useful.
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Salary sacrifice is a contractual arrangement* where an employee gives up the right to receive part of their cash remuneration (typically salary but this open to interpretation and could be applied to cash bonuses), usually in return for your employer's agreement to provide some form of non-cash benefit (including, but not limited to, child care vouchers, personal pension, bicycles and bus passes). Read more about Salary Sacrifice.
iCalculator™ Monthly salary sacrifice calculator is updated for the 2023/24 tax year. You can calculate your Monthly take home pay based of your Monthly gross income, salary sacrifice adjustment, PAYE, NI and tax for 2023/24. Use the simple monthly salary sacrifice calculator or switch to the advanced monthly salary sacrifice calculator to review employers national insurance payments, income tax deductions and PAYE tax commitments for 2024.
PAYE, Tax and Salary Sacrifice calculations can seem complex, the following are taken into consideration when calculating your salary and take home pay:
Salary Sacrifice | Gross Salary | Tax Free Allowance | Taxable Pay | Tax Due | Your National Insurance | Employer National Insurance | Your Pension Contributions | HMRC Pension Contributions | Net Pay
Top Tip: Did you know you can legally reduce your National Insurance bill and increase your take home pay? Read more about Salary Sacrifice
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