Accounting Rate of Return (ARR) Calculator estimates the Accounting Rate of Return (ARR) or Return on Investment (ROI) percentage of average profit earned from investment compared to the average value of investment over a defined period. For those new to ARR or who want to refresh their memory, we have created a short video which cover the calculation of ARR and considerations when making ARR calculations.
The Average Rate of Return is % |
Average Annualised Investment (f) Formula and Calculations |
f = c - d/e f = - / f = / f = |
Profit (p) Formula and Calculations |
p = a - b/f p = - / p = / p = p = % |
Accounting Rate of Return Profit Formula (ARR1) Formula and Calculations |
ARR1 = p/a ARR1 = / ARR1 = ARR1 = % |
Accounting Rate of Return Standard Formula (ARR2) Formula and Calculations |
ARR2 = a/c ARR2 = / ARR2 = % |
Accounting Rate of Return (ARR) Calculator Input Values and Calculated Amounts |
Annual Revenue (a) = |
Annual Expenses (b) = |
Initial Investment Value (c) = |
Final Investment Value (d) = |
No. of Years (y) = |
Average Annualized Investment (f) = |
Profit (p)= |
Average Rate of Return (ARR) = % |
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The Accounting Rate of Return (ARR) Calculator uses several accounting formulas to provide visability of how each financial figure is calculated. Each formula used to calculate the accounting rate of return is now illustrated within the ARR calculator and each step or the calculations displayed so you can assess and compare against your own manual calculations.
The Accounting rate of return is used by businesses to measure the return on a project in terms of income, where income is not equivalent to cash flow because of other factors used in the computation of cash flow. Calculating ARR or Accounting Rate of Return provides visibility of the interest you have actually earned on your investment; the higher the ARR the higher the profitability of a project.
Whether it's a new project pitched by your team, a real estate investment, a piece of jewelry or an antique artifact, whatever you have invested in must turn out profitable to you. Every investment one makes is generally expected to bring some kind of return, and the accounting rate of return can be defined as the measure to ascertain the profits we make on our investments. If the ARR is positive (equals or is more than the required rate of return) for a certain project it indicates profitability, if it's less, you can reject a project for it may attract loss on investment.
The ARR calculator makes your Accounting Rate of Return calculations easier. You just have to enter details as defined below into the calculator to get the ARR on any particular project running in your company.
ARR for projections will give you an idea of how well your project has done or is going to do. Calculating the accounting rate of return conventionally is a tiring task so using a calculator is preferred to manual estimation. If you choose to complete manual calculations to calculate the ARR it is important to pay attention to detail and keep your calculations accurate. If your manual calculations go even the slightest bit wrong, your ARR calculation will be wrong and you may decide about an investment or loan based on the wrong information. Hence using a calculator helps you omit the possibility of error to almost zero and enable you to do quick and easy calculations. Using the ARR calculator can also help to validate your manual account calculations.
The ARR calculator created by iCalculator can be really useful for you to check the profitability of the past, present or future projects. It is also used to compare the success of multiple projects running in a company. Using ARR you get to know the average net income your asset is expected to generate.
Using ARR calculator can really help your business grow financially; it can help your business in different ways as stated below:
The ARR can be used by businesses to make decisions on their capital investments. It can help a business define if it has enough cash, loans or assets to keep the day to day operations going or to improve/add facilities to eventually become more profitable.
Calculating ARR can also be beneficial to determine the below factors:
Every business tries to save money and further invest to generate more money and establish/sustain business growth. If you run your own business, are responsible for the financial elements of a product or product design or a project manager, remember that your profits are secure only if the investments are based on accurate financial analysis.
It is important that you have confidence if the financial calculations made so that your decision based on the financial data is appropriate. iCalculator helps you make an informed financial decision with the ARR online calculator. It will never disappoint you.
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