
Ratio Calculator

What is a ratio?

A ratio is a direct comparison of one number against another. A ratio calculator looks to define the relationship that compares between those two numbers. Ratios are particularly useful in finance for comparing money in two separate situations, for example, profit in qtr 1 to qtr 2 or year on year profits. This ratio Calculator, one from our suite of ratio calculators, is provided to allow you to produce a table of equivalent finance ratios, this can be particularly useful when scaling reports and/or producing KPI plans and projection for future financial periods.

Using the Ratio Calculator

Use the ratio calculator to solve ratio/proportion problems and to test equivalent fractions. A ratio of 1/2 can be entered into the ratio calculator as 1:2.

The ratio calculator will then produce a table of equivalent ratios. The ratio calculator will also process decimal numbers

  1. Enter Ratio
  2. The ratio calculator will calculate as you type
  3. A list of equivalent ratios will be produced

Where are Ratio Calculations Used?

Ratios are used everywhere, from cooking to building. Here are some common applications of ratios in everyday life:

Mechanics: spanners/wrenches are all marked with relevant ratios which correspond to the nuts they fit.

Businesses and accountants: use ratios for forecasting and financial controls (expense ratio, turnover ratio, debt ratio, asset ratio, price ratio, earnings ratio etc.)

Food: the correct diet has the right ratio of food groups (one of our five a day is a common ratio we are all familiar with.

Education: ensuring the right ratio of students to teachers is key for effective learning. Class sizes in terms of the ratio of pupils to a teacher is a common ratio concern.

Web Developers / SEO experts these guys live and breathe ratios, from bounce rates to time on site, new visitors versus return visitors, ratios rule their lives.

Ratio Calculator

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How to Calculate Ratios

When calculating equivalent ratios you must multiply or didive both numbers in the ratio. The keeps both numbers in direct relation to each other. So, a ratio of 2/3 has an equivelant ratio of 4/6: in this ratio calculation we simply multiplied both 2 and 3 by 2.

Where are Ratio Calculations Used?

Ratios are used everywhere, from cooking to building. Here are some common applications of ratios in everyday life:

Mechanics: spanners/wrenches are all marked with relevant ratios which correspond to the nuts they fit.

Businesses and accountants: use ratios for forecasting and financial controls (expense ratio, turnover ratio, debt ratio, asset ratio, price ratio, earnings ratio etc.)

Food: the correct diet has the right ratio of food groups (one of our five a day is a common ratio we are all familiar with.

Education: ensuring the right ratio of students to teachers is key for effective learning. Class sizes in terms of the ratio of pupils to a teacher is a common ratio concern.

Web Developers / SEO experts these guys live and breathe ratios, from bounce rates to time on site, new visitors versus return visitors, ratios rule their lives.