
Debt Payoff and Debt Payment Comparison Calculator

This Debt Payoff Calculator compares your current debt payment schedule against a proposed payment schedule. The aim of this debt management tool is to allow you to understand and compare current and potential interest payments, monthly repayments and total amount repaid.

Debt management is about understanding the costs, using the Debt Payoff Calculator will allow you to see how quickly you could repay your credit card, loan etc. and the total amount you would save, allowing you to use that money to repay additional finance quicker etc.

This can be your own proposal or a separate company's proposal. You can also enter a period of time to find the monthly payment for that period

Debt Payment comparison
Outstanding balance and interest rate
Current Payment Arrangement
Enter either a fixed amount or the minimum payment details
% of balance plus interest
(whichever is largest)
Proposed Payment Arrangement
Enter either a fixed amount or a period of time in years and/or months
Comparision of Arrangements
Page 1
Debt Payment comparison
Current ArrangementProposed Arrangement
Payment no.Payment AmountInterestPrincipalBalancePayment AmountInterestPrincipalBalance

Use Debt Payoff Calculator to Plan Your Repayments & Meet Financial Goals

A Debt Payoff Calculator becomes important in our lives when we realise that clearing the monthly bills on time is a seemingly endless task. If the struggle of living with a good amount of debt is added to it, it is indeed disheartening. This situation can often make you feel defeated, but you have to look for the solution in that moment. You must remember a good financial management plan is all you require to do away with debt stress and issues, and it comes from sound judgment.

Can I escape personal debt?

Yes! You can put an end to your monthly financial burdens and get clear of the debt payment cycle once and for all. Often, people in similar situations, rely on making minimum monthly payments, but this does not have a permanent solution. You have to dig deeper for a permanent solution.

Debt Payoff Calculator

The Debt payoff calculator is capable of working with existing and new loans of different types. It helps you walk the right path and enables you, with the right financial planning, to pay off all your debts much sooner than expected thereby saving you time and money. It will also help reduce the amount and duration of stress suffered through the process of paying back debt. Getting out of debt is a true challenge. but you can always devise your strategy to make it a smooth sailing. Let us have a look into the step-by-step plan which can help you in reaching the goals of debt payoff.

  • The very first step in managing your debt is to accept and recognize that there is a debt problem.
  • It is necessary to get out of debt. Becoming debt free is an incredible feeling and can be achieved with simple, positive small steps. The more you adjust your lifestyle, the easier it will be for you to prevent further debts as you form positive financial habits.
  • Calculate all of your debts by gathering all the statements and documents. You should calculate the list of all debts, the amount owed, the monthly payment and the current interest rate on each loan.
  • Ranking the debts is very important if you have more than one debt. You should rank them according to the highest rate of interest. Some of the debts are more urgent than others. So you should pay them first, to minimize the total interest cost.
  • If you are good at organizing your payments, you will be good at managing your debts. You should always focus on paying off the debts one by one.
  • It is a very good habit to figure out how much debt you can afford to pay every month. Whatever extra money you accumulate, direct that in paying off your debt. You can use the debt payoff calculator to understand how much money you should allocate every month to pay off the debt.
  • A very important step is to stick to the debt plan and never make any excuses to avoid it. Never make any new debt and indulge only in the necessities.

Key Fields you need to fill while using a of debt payoff calculator online:

If you are taking the help of an online debt calculator, you should be aware of some of the terms, like:

  • Loan Sum Owed: This is the sum of the remaining balance of the mortgage.
  • Mortgage Payment: This is the amount of the existing regular monthly payment.
  • Credit Score Card Stability: This is the total of the balance in the credit score card.
  • Credit Score Card Rate: This stands for the yearly interest charge that is paid out.
  • Curiosity rate: This is the yearly curiosity rate for the newest consolidation mortgage.

Other than the above-mentioned terms, there are other key terms used in debt consolidation or debt payoff calculator.

Debt Calculation

Financial markets have a certain way of calculating the debt payoff rate. The most important things to remember is to have an idea of how your debts and debt payments are calculated. You can use the debt payoff calculator to provide a consolidated overview of your monthly payments and see how a consolidation loan could help reduce your debts or to calculate how much faster you can repay your debts by increasing payments. However you choose to calculate your debt plan, approach debt consolidation and clearance logically:

  • All the debts are should be added together.
  • The repayments entered are spread equally across the debts, considering any interest.
  • When the lowest value debt is paid off by you, the repayments should be reallocated equally across the remaining debts if they are the same interest rate / term or, to the higher rate debt if one debt interest rate is higher. This is done until all the debts are paid off.