
Buy-To-Let Mortgage and Profit Calculator

This calculator compares two kinds of Buy-To-Let mortgage and shows profit figures when the property is rented out.

The deposit required for a buy-to-let mortgage is usually higher than a standard mortgage, typically 25% although can be as high as 40%.

Interest rates and fees are generally higher.

The first mortgage plan shown is a normal annuity type plan, where an amount is paid off the mortgage as well as interest.

The mortgage interest is calculated on the outstanding mortgage balance so more is paid off the mortgage amount as the payments progress.

The other is an Interest only plan, where the interest only is paid over the duration of the mortgage, the mortgage amount becoming due at the end of the period.

The profit figures are displayed in three sections as below:

  1. The first is where the figures for the mortgage period only are shown, excluding the deposit and any final payment,
  2. The second mortgage plan includes the final payment in the calculations, this is relevant to the interest only plan,
  3. The third mortgage plan includes the initial deposit and final payment (if relevant) to show the total mortgage cost

A breakeven figure is also displayed, this is the costs shown as a monthly amount.

Calculations can be saved to a table for comparison by clicking the "Add to table" button (table appears below the schedule comparison).

The table appears the first time the button is clicked.

Mortgage Details
Property Value Total value of the property
Deposit Percentage % Enter either the deposit percentage or amount
Deposit Amount
Mortgage Amount Mortgage value after deducting the deposit
Mortgage Period Total length of the mortgage in Years or months (calendar months)
Annual Interest Rate % Enter the Annual Interest Rate here
Income per Income from rental charged to tenant
Annual Income Annual income based on rental income
Total Income Total income based on the annual income over the mortgage period
Monthly Figures (based on calendar months)
Principal and Interest Plan You pay the interest plus an amount off the mortgage. No large payment is due at the end of the period
Interest Only Plan You pay the interest only. The full amount of the mortgage is due at the end of the period
Monthly Income Monthly income based on rent received from tenant (converted to calendar month)
Mortgage Payment Summary
Payment Plan Comments
Principal and Interest Interest Only
Principal 0.00 Interest only plan does not pay any amount off the principal amount over the period
Interest Interest is calculated on the reducing balance on the Principal and Interest plan
Final Payment 0.00 The mortgage amount is due at the end of the Interest only plan
Total excluding deposit Total costs for everything except the initial deposit
Total including deposit Total costs
Profit - excluding Deposit and final payment
Profit Principal and Interest Interest Only Comment
Monthly Profit per calendar month excluding deposit and final payment
Annual Profit per annum excluding deposit and final payment
Total Profit excluding deposit and final payment
Breakeven Cost excluding deposit and final payment per calendar month
Profit - excluding Deposit, including final payment
Monthly Profit per calendar month, excluding Deposit and including final payment
Annual Profit per annum, excluding Deposit and including final payment
Total Profit excluding Deposit and including final payment
Breakeven Cost excluding deposit and including final payment, per calendar month
Profit - including Deposit and final payment
Monthly Profit per calendar month, including deposit and final payment
Annual Profit per annum, including Deposit and final payment
Total Total Profit, including Deposit and final payment
Breakeven Total Cost per calendar month

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